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 I'd love to bring you a program on the following topics and more:

A Review of Women Behind Stained Glass

It's a Lark: Writing a Novel

One Writer's Trip: The Lark

Short Story Writing

Writing Dialog

Developing a Character

The Character-Driven Plot

Book review on a title of interest

Historical Research

Becoming a Social Media Goddess While Applying for Medicare




Me, Linda Bond, Laurel Scott.jpg
Writers' Conference 2019 1 2.jpg

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April 17, 2019--Fort Concho Commissary, San Angelo, TX. Noon until 1:00--"Women Behind Stained Glass."


March 25, 2019, 1:30 PM, AAUW of Abilene Book Club, Stephens Central Library Community Room, San Angelo, TX, Review of The Lark


March 13, 2019, 12 noon, Mertzon, TX, EE Club, Women Behind Stained Glass Overview


February 21-22, 2019, ASU Writers' Conference, features Chitra Divakaruni. I read on the second day, 9 AM session in EFA Recital Hall at ASU. Many great authors featured. See web site




January 15, 2019, 11:30 AM, DAR, First United Methodist Church, Women Behind Stained Glass overview.


November 15, 2018, 11:30 AM, Philia Club, First Christian Church, San Angelo, TX. The Lark, a review.


August 7, 2018, 6 PM Mason County Library


June 21, 2018: Interview with DEAR Texas Radio at 7:00 P M at this link:


August 7, 2018:  6:00 PM "Women Behind Stained Glass" and overview of "The Lark" at Mason County Library, 410 Post Hill St, Mason, TX.


March 13, 2018: "Self-Promotion and Other Monsters" for San Angelo Writers' Club, 14 E. Harris ("First Place"), San Angelo. Meeting begins at 6:30 with visiting. Program/business starts at 7:00.



February 26, 2018: 4:00 pm review of The Lark  for the Bronte Book Club, hosted in my home


February 23, 2018: 9:00 am reading for ASU Writers' Conference in Honor of Elmer Kelton at Angelo State U, 2601 Ave. N, San Angelo, TX, Mayer Auditorium (in the Administration Building). Conference begins at 9 am on the 22nd in the UC ballroom and features poet Brian Turner.


December 9--Review of the the novel, A Man Called Ove Readers PS Book Club, 2460 Nasworthy Drive, San Angelo, TX.

January 17, 2018--"One Writer's Trip: The Lark" for the Bronte Study Club, Bronte, TX

November 16, 2017--"One Writer's Trip, The Lark"  for the PEO Club, 3:30 pm--San Angelo, TX.


October 27, 11 am—--"Overview of The Lark and Women Behind Stained Glass" for Angelo State University Retirees, Bentwood Country Club. 


October 25, 12 noon--"Overview of The Lark and Women Behind Stained Glass" for Kimball County Library, Junction, TX.


October 20, 9:30 am--Review of the novel, Man Called Ove for Newtimers Book Interest Group, Emmanuel Episcopal Church, 3 S. Randolph, San Angelo, TX.


October 18--"One Writer's Trip, The Lark"  for the Ballinger Women's Club, Carnegie Library, 204 N. 8th, Ballinger, TX.


September 14, 2017, 10 am--"Women Behind Stained Glass" for the Philia Club of San Angelo, First Christian Church--29 N. Oaks, San Angelo, TX.


Books--Women Behind Stained Glass and The Lark available at programs/events. 









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